25 Weeks Pregnant

You are in your week ! You will meet your baby around:
You are yet to conceive. In case you successfully ovulate in the current cycle, then your expected due date is:

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Your Baby's Stage

You are almost six months into your pregnancy. Your belly is rounded and you are looking more pregnant with every week which passes. No doubt you've started to plan for the baby and are thinking about what you ll need. If you've had a baby before this will all come relatively easily to you, but if this is your first it can all seem a little overwhelming. There is so much choice and options available to expectant parents. Combined with a foggy pregnancy brain, it can all seem totally confusing.

Where did I put my shopping list?

Babies themselves don t need much to keep them happy. A full belly, a safe place to sleep, loving care and a clean, dry nappy are some of the basics. Try not to go overboard when you start thinking about organising the nursery. Do your research and try to imagine what you ll need long term, rather than buying expensive items which look gorgeous but which you ll only use for a few months. Ask other parents what they d recommend and what they couldn t do without. Look through shop catalogues and investigate on-line alternatives. Think about adding some extra baby toiletries, packets of nappies and wipes in your shopping trolley each week; your costs will be absorbed more gradually and it won t be such financial jolt all at once.

Oh, look at that!

Have a shopping excursion which involves checking out baby clothing sizes. Become familiar with how sizes correlate with age. It is incredibly tempting to start buying at least a few baby clothes around now. You may find them impossible to resist, especially when those pregnancy hormones are urging you to get organised and create a "nest" for your little one. Avoid leaving everything to the last minute. But likewise, you don t need to have everything ready too soon because this can make the latter stages of pregnancy seem to last forever. Involve your partner in the decision making as well and get excited together. Looking at a growing collection of baby related paraphernalia really drives home the message that you are going to have a baby of your own.

Your physical changes this week

  • Noticing some blood on your toothbrush? Those gums of yours are working overtime in supporting your teeth and their surrounding bone. You may find your gums are prone to swelling or gingivitis as well. Remember to brush your teeth at least twice a day and to floss thoroughly at night. Bleeding gums are a warning sign to brush more, not less. Make an appointment to see your dentist at least twice through your pregnancy.
  • Those ligaments and muscles supporting your expanding uterus are getting a work out. Progesterone and Relaxin, those all important pregnancy hormones are working their magic by loosening and relaxing the taut fibres. This is so your body can prepare for childbirth, but it also has the added bonus of making everything a little more loose. Warm baths, tummy massage or even physiotherapy can be useful in alleviating discomfort.
  • Opening the fridge constantly? Feeling as if you're never full? Always on the lookout for something to eat? If you're finding it difficult to satisfy your appetite, then think about the foods you are eating. Biscuits and cakes may be calling your name but they're not doing you or your baby any favours. Your body will digest them quickly and before you know it, you ll be looking longingly into the fridge for inspiration again. Go for wholegrain bread, muffins, fruit, milk drinks, and good quality cereals drenched in milk with some fruit on the top. Think quality, not quantity. There is no need to starve yourself, but avoid empty nutrition which won t help your baby to grow.

Your emotional changes this week

  • As your pregnancy progresses, you are likely to find yourself thinking more about the birth. If you've had a baby before this won t be the big unknown that it may otherwise be. You could be clear about some aspects that you were pleased with, or would prefer did not happen the same way again. Every labour and delivery will take its own course and it is very difficult, if not impossible, to predict at 25 weeks of pregnancy how your labour will proceed.
  • You ll probably be getting lots of interesting advice these days and not necessarily from sources you d expect. Everyone's an expert when it comes to pregnancy and will have some gems of wisdom they ll want to share. If you're not interested, then politely excuse yourself or create some urgent task which requires your immediate attention.
  • It's getting harder to remember when you weren t pregnant and you're wondering what on earth you used to find to think about. The baby has started to become a very important part of you and its becoming increasingly hard to just think of yourself as an individual, separate from the baby.
  • You could start worrying that you may go into premature labour, especially if you've previously had a baby who was born early. Your midwife or doctor will have taken a thorough history from you at your first appointment but remind them if you are concerned about this happening again.

Your baby's changes this week

  • Your baby's nostrils are patent, meaning they're not closed over like they were. Other changes are happening in your baby's lungs as well which will help them to breath independently at birth. That all important surfactant is coating their tiny alveoli, helping them to stay open and retain oxygen at birth.
  • Your baby may be lying in a breech position, i.e. with its bottom pointing down and its head up under your ribs. Or it could be lying transverse; sideways or oblique; diagonally across your uterus. At this stage there is still plenty of room for the baby to move freely about in your uterus and to find its own comfortable positions.
  • Think about investing in a baby calendar and follow the changes in your baby as you head towards your due date. Remember your baby is unique and although it may be similar in lots of ways to other babies, it is definitely its own little person.
  • If you're having an ante-natal appointment this week, listen to your baby's heartbeat. On average, a baby's heart will beat twice as many times per minute as its mother s. There is something deeply reassuring about hearing that repetitive thumping sound. Some women actually buy a home Doppler kit, so they can monitor the baby's heart rate. There is no need for this in a healthy, well, low risk pregnancy.

Hints for the week

  • Keep that seatbelt done up when you're in the car. Although it might be getting a little tight, your safest option is to still have your seatbelt secure at all times. Some pregnant women experience motion sickness especially on public transport where access to fresh air is limited. Sit on the aisle seat of trains or buses if you need to and try to focus on the horizon. Sipping cold water can help, so can acupressure bands and eating small amounts of ginger flavoured foods.
  • If someone around you is smoking, move away. Second hand smoke is almost as toxic as first hand smoking and your placenta will not filter all the carbon monoxide or other chemicals which you are passively inhaling. If you are still smoking, do everything you can to try to stop. Consider hypnotherapy, acupuncture or a support group. All of these have proven benefits which will optimise your chances of successfully quitting.
  • Get into the habit of lying on your left side, rather than flat on your back. Your heavy uterus may compress important blood vessels which supply the placenta and baby of oxygen. You may also feel lightheaded and faint if you lie prone for any period of time. Remember to invest in some good quality pillows and arrange them for optimal comfort in your bed. Don t forget to leave a little room for your partner though.
  • Make sure you're aware of risky foods you need to avoid. Listeria is a rare but dangerous bacterium which is found in some foods. Soft cheeses, coleslaw, pate, unpasteurised milk, sliced cold meats, sushi and raw meat all pose a risk. Watch your kitchen hygiene and wash your hands well after handling raw meat.
  • Any pain, bleeding or unusual symptoms you have need to be checked by your midwife or doctor. Some women are more prone to premature labour and its onset can be quite vague. Don t hesitate to have a check-up even if you feel you want reassurance.

Week 26 coming next!

For more information see Pregnancy or Week by Week.

Yoga videos

Always consult your physician before beginning any exercise program. To reduce the risk of injury, never force or strain yourself during exercise. If you feel pain, stop and seek medical attention if necessary.

If you are in week 25 of your pregnancy...

Your baby's due date: December 08 - December 20, 2021

Baby's star sign: Sagittarius

Chinese year: Ox

Famous people born around your baby's birth date:

  • Brad Pitt
  • Steven Spielberg
  • Ludwig Van Beethoven
16/09/21 - min Read

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