Unique Spellings of Common Baby Names

According to McCrindle’s latest 2022 Baby Names report, many parents are changing the spelling of common baby names. They like to add their own creative spin to it to ensure their child isn’t just like everyone else. If you also would like your child to stand out from the crowd, or you have come across a common baby name you like that someone else you know has already used for their child, consider using unique spelling so that you can still choose that name for your baby. All it can take is just changing one letter in the name to make it a completely different looking and trendier name, though it may sound the same. What’s more, is that the name will be special, and your child will most likely feel that way.

Take, for instance, a common example of this, the change from Stephen to Steven. Or Aimee and Amy. Or Shaun and Shawn.

A tip to bear in mind when changing the spelling of names is to try not to make it too hard to spell for others, as this may make life hard for your little one as they grow up.

You could add an ‘h’ to the end of some names that end in vowels.

Replace letters with others that may sound the same. For example, C can be exchanged for K, and in some cases, ‘s’ can be exchanged for ‘z’ or ‘y’ can be exchanged for ‘i’.

You could change Jackson to Jaxon, Carina could be Karina or Jacob could be Jakob.

Names that end in ‘e’ could end instead with ‘eigh’ or ‘ie’ or ‘ey’ or ‘i’ or ‘ee.

We have put together a list of common baby names and listed unique ways of spelling them. Perfect for if you fancy a common name that you want to appear less common. The best thing is you can have fun with it and change these even further.

Unique spellings for common girl baby names

Amelie, Ameley, Ameli, Amelee Ameleigh

Alice, Aalis, Alyce, Alyse, Alys, Alise, Allice, Allise

Amelia, Amelya, Amellia, Emelia, Aemilia, Amilea

Aubrey, Aubree, Aubrie, Aubri

Avery, Averi, Averie

Abigail, Abigale, Abagail

Adalyn, Adalynn, Addilyn, Adelyn, Adelynn

Addison, Adison, Addyson, Addisyn

Alana, Alanna, Alannah

Aleah, Aleigha, Alia

Amy, Aimee

Aubrey, Aubree, Aubrie, Aubri

Avery, Averi, Averie

Aubrianna, Aubriana

Ava, Avah, Ayva

Braelyn, Braelynn

Brylee, Bryleigh

Brooklyn, Brooklynn

Charlotte, Charlote, Charlette

Chloe, Khloe, Chloey

Cindy, Cydnee

Destiny, Destinee

Eliana, Elianna

Elise, Elyse

Emmalyn, Emmalynn

Emily, Emely, Emilee, Emilie, Emmalee, Emili, Emileigh

Emma, Emmah

Evelyn, Evelynn, Evilyn

Ella, Ellah

Elizabeth, Elizibeth, Elizybeth

Giselle, Gisselle

Grace, Grayce, Graice

Harper, Harpar

Hailey, Hailee, Haleigh, Haley, Haylee, Hayleigh, Hayley, Haylie

Hayden, Haden, Hadyn

Isabelle, Izabelle

Ivy, Iveigh, Ivi, Ivee

Isabella, Izabella, Isybella

Jasmine, Jazmine

Janiyah, Janiya

Layla, Laila, Lailah, Laylah, Leila, Leyla

Leila, Laila, Lailah, Layla, Leyla

Lily, Lilly, Lileigh, Lili, Lilee, Lilie

Lillian, Lilian, Lilliann

Liliana, Lilianna, Lilliana, Lillianna

Laura, Lora, Lawra, Laurah, Loura, Llora, Llaura, Lorah, Lorra, Lawrah

Lauren, Lauryn

Madison, Maddison, Madisyn

Mia, Miya

Natalie, Nathalie, Natalee

Olivia, Olivea, Oliviah

Poppy, Poppi, Poppie

Raina, Rayna, Reyna

Reagan, Raegan, Regan

Rosie, Roseigh, Rosy, Rosi, Rosey

Riley, Rylee, Ryleigh, Rylie

Sophia, Sofia, Sophya, Sofiya, Sofiah

Sylvia, Sylvie, Sylvee, Sylveeah

Victoria, Viktoria, Vyctoria

Zoey, Zoe, Zoie

Xavier, Xzavier

Unique spellings for common boy baby names

Aiden, Aaden, Aden, Aidan, Aidyn, Ayden, Adan, Aydan, Aydin

Alexander, Aleksander, Alixander, Alekzander, Alexzandre

Alfie, Alfee, Alphee, Alfeigh

Andrew, Andru

Alexander, Alexzander

Austin, Austyn

Benjamin, Benjamyn, Benjamen

Brayden, Braden, Bradyn, Braeden, Braiden, Braydon

Brendan, Brenden, Brendon

Brian, Bryan, Brien, Bryean, Bryon, Bryen, Brjánn, Brijan, Bryjen, Bryand

Cameron, Camren, Camron, Camryn, Kameron, Kamron, Kamryn

Colton, Colten, Kolten, Kolton

Connor, Conner, Conor, Konner, Konner

Charlie, Charley, Charli, Charlee

Damian, Damien, Damion

Daniel, Danial

David, Daved, Dayvid, Davyd, Dafydd, Dayvid, Deyvid, Deyvidd, Davidd, Deyvd

Dominic, Dominick, Dominik

Ethan, Ethen, Ethyn

Elijah, Elija

Eric, Erick, Erik

Finn, Fynn, Phinn

Freddie, Freddy, Freddi

Gabriel, Gabrial, Gabryel

Gavin, Gavyn

George, Georg, Jorg, Jorge, Jawge, Georges, Geoarge, Jeroge

Grayson, Graysen, Greyson

Gunner, Gunnar

Harry, Harreigh, Harri, Harrie

Hayden, Haden, Hadyn

Henry, Henri, Hennry, Hennree, Hennreigh, Hennri, Hennrie, Hennry, Henree, Henreigh, Henrey, Henrie

Jack, Jak, Jaq, Jacques, Jaques, Jeke, Jak, Jacc, Jac, Jach, Jaak

Jackson, Jaxon, Jacksyn, Jaxson

Jacob, Jaycob, Jakob

James, Jaymz, Jaemes, Jaimes, Jaymes, Jayemes, Jaims, Jaaymes, Jaames

Jayden, Jaden, Jaeden, Jaiden, Jaydon, Jadon, Jaiden, Jaidyn

Jalen, Jaylin

Jason, Jayson

Josiah, Joziah

John, Johnn, Jon, J’onn, Johnn, Jon, Geon, Johne, Jonn, Jean, Jorrn

Jordan, Jorden, Jordyn

Joseph, Jozeph, Josef

Joshua, Joshuah

Keith, Keyth, Keeth, Kejth, Keath, Keathe, Kiith, Kithe

Isaac, Isaak, Izac, Eyezac, Izac, Eysack, Issac, Izach, Eyzach, Eyzack, Izack

Kaden, Caden, Caiden, Kaeden, Kaiden, Kayden

Kason, Casen, Cason, Cayson, Kasen, Kaysen, Kayson

Landon, Landen, Landyn

Liam, Liahm, Liaam

Logan, Logen, Logyn

Lucas, Lukas

Mackenzie, Makenzie, Mckenzie

Marcus, Markus, Marquis

Mason, Maison, Masen, Mayson

Matthew, Mathew, Matthieu

Michael, Mikael, Mychael

Noah, Noaah, Noa

Nicholas, Nickolas, Nicolas, Nikolas

Ramsey, Ramsy, Ramzy

Rory, Roreigh, Rori, Roree

Samuel, Samule, Samuell

Thomas, Tomas

Tristan, Tristen, Tristian, Tristin, Triston, Trystan

William, Wiliam, Williem

Zachary, Zackary

Don’t forget that you can always use the Huggies Baby Name Generator to your advantage to help you come up with interesting combinations based on your desire for meanings or initials. With thousands of names to choose from, be inspired by popular, unique and original baby names.







Written by Tracey Cheung, April 2023. Tracey is a freelance writer with particular interest in writing about topics that promote health and wellness in the community. As a mother she has personal experience in writing content that helps other parents.

27/07/23 - min Read

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